Share your question
Got burning questions you want answered? Shoot me your requests and you just might see them featured in my blog! Join the fun and let's dive into it together.
Keep an eye on my newsletter. I'll share when a question will be discussed on my blog.
Please note: Not all questions will be answered
Book a mentor session
Got more than just one burning question? Need some personal attention, guidance and are you in need of some 1-on-1 time? Maybe you're struggling with a situation within the creative process, your course as an artist, a project or with freelancing? Let me help you!
I will check my planning and send you options in terms of dates
Send your questions and if relevant pictures and documentation
A zoom session starts from 1 hour - € 149,- (excl VAT)
Marloes de Kiewit
Muralist, painter & Illustrator
Based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Creating Worldwide