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Hi! My name is Marloes de Kiewit, I'm a muralist, painter and illustrator.

I am a self-taught artist living in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I create indoor & outdoor murals, window paintings, (digital) illustrations, paintings and painted objects for individuals, companies, and organizations.


My work features strong line work and dots with a delicate flow. It started in timeless black and white but has evolved over time to include a broader color palette and other techniques. Currently, the focus lies in combining line work with colorful realistic compositions. I can completely immerse myself in applying endless details, searching for balance between movement and stillness, strength and vulnerability.

I graduated as a Textile Engineer in 2009. After working in the fashion industry for 6 years, I quit my job. I sold my belongings and booked a one-way ticket to Mexico. Ultimately, I traveled through Central America for 9 months, exchanging illustrations and murals for accommodation and food. Best. Decision. Ever. I began embracing my creativity and gained confidence in my abilities.


2 Years without a permanent place, I found a home in Rotterdam. In this city, I work full-time with great love on this adventure, where I continue to (re)discover myself as a person, artist, and entrepreneur.


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When I decided to flip the switch 8 years ago and transform my hobby into my job, little did I know how it would shape me as a person. Alongside growing my creative skills and navigating the freelancing world, it also had an impact on my state of mind. Writing has always been one of my favorite go-to's to deal with all of it.

So why not use this tool to hopefully benefit others as well, right? To inspire, inform, and encourage others to embrace their creativity, I've added a blog to my website. With great joy, I once in a while share tips, tricks, the ups and downs of this exciting rollercoaster ride.

Are you a (beginning) muralist, painter or illustrator and in need of some help?

As a self-taught artist, I understand the challenges one can face in the realm of creation and building a career as a freelancer with limited experience. I offer some options to help others in their journey, unlock creative potential and grow their business mindset.


Click the button 'for artists' to see what's available. You can also 'subscribe' to my newsletter to stay up to date for new options or blog posts.

Marloes de Kiewit

Muralist, painter & Illustrator

Based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Creating Worldwide

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